We woke up early Friday morning celebrating, and probably awoke the whole neighborhood! We were blasting Happy Birthday music while Mommy cooked the first ever "panicake birthday breakfast" at 7am!! Since it was also my Daddy's birthday, we all went out to our favorite, kid friendly, restaurant, Camden House of Pizza! I think you will be able to tell how much little man liked his lasagna! Saturday was the BIG day....the one Mommy had been planning for weeks! We had a fabulous first birthday in our beautiful back yard with great family and friends. It's so hard for Jared and I to believe that our little baby is already a year old, but we look forward to planning and celebrating many, many, many more!! So, Happy Birthday to our sweet, sweet Cade, Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!

All of Cade's birthday presents!

We birthday partied it into the late night!

And.....Cade hung with us! He wasn't going to miss out on HIS party!!

Bridges provided us much entertainment!

Oh, to be newlyweds!!

Following right behind the big people!

Julia and Addie Grace

Present time!

Cade with Rab and sweet Gray, who will forever remind me that I'm the
"worsest panicake cooka she had eba seen!"
My sweet Rab, whom I used to babysit!!

Funny how life comes full circle!

Horses from Bridges! We knew just who they were from without really "knowing"!

Helping Daddy

"Ummmmm, yes, I ate my cake!!"

"And it was soooo good!"

"Mom, I can't believe you're letting me do this!!"

He looks like he thinks he's doing something wrong!

"Happy Birthday, dear Cade....Happy Birthday to YOU!!"

Homemade Birthday Cake!

Daddy taking a break!

I ASOLUTELY couldnt' NOT have done it without them!!! Love you, sissys!!

Just call us, Martha!!

Little boys...always scheming!

"All of these are for me!?!"

Mary, Nanmomma and Daphne

GH Cupcakes (Gretchen & Hannah)!! The next DC Cupcakes, with the perfect swirl, of course!!!

Sweet Gray and Rab.....my perfect babysitters!

Josh, Rab, Gray, Cici, Isaiah, Parker and Cade!

Cade's sweet birthday invitation!

Cade and Addie Grace.....eating ice!

Not in Mom's car, oh no ya don't!!! We stripped him down on Broad Street!

Few things make my baby happier than food!


SOOO excited!!

"More, here, please!!!!"


Appetizer.....greek salad. Every 12 month old should love feta!!

Headed to Camden House of Pizza!

"Daddy Bob, hurry it up already! I'm ready to eat PIZZA!"

The Birthday Boys!

First Pan
icake Breakfast!

Not so sure what all this is about!

(the sound he makes when he wants something!)
"Happy Birthday to ME!!!"

"Not sure if this is ok to eat, Mom! It looks so messy!!"

The syrup took way too long to eat with his fingers so he just brought the plate to him!!

Just'a humming!
