Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Upside down and round' and' round!

We have been absolutely CRAZY the last 2 weeks!.....Brief synopsis:
1. Cade just turned 4 months, did I say that right????? 4 MONTHS???
2. Basketball just started.....the longest sport of the year.
3. That means football is over, sad, very sad face. But we had an awesome year, 2nd in conference, GO TROJANS!!!!
4. Jared and I have been living under different roofs as we are FINALLY putting the finishing touches on our house! He's staying at the house, taking care of the boys. Cade and I are at Mom and Dad's until we can find where all of our stuff is!!!

So there you have it.........CRAZY! Cade is just so beautiful, he is more so each day. Daddy's Trojans made it to the playoffs and finished up an awesome year, we hate to see it come to a close. Work is going well, finally, with the economy straightening back out, numbers are looking back UP, wahoo!! The boys are settling in nicely to their new surroundings and L-O-V-I-N-G their new zoo of a backyard!! Boots sees different wildilfe to chase every day. Once we are settled, I will get all of my pictures straight.....I have to snap a shot every few minutes to catch each phase of Cade's life, he's just growing too quickly.......Happy Thanksgiving!

Daddy's State Play-offs! Go TROJANS!

Cheering for my Dad!

Daddy and Uncle Clay!

Oh Yes, Mommy's FAVORITE shot!!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice!

Fall has brought many new and exciting things to our home. Cade rolled over on his 3 month birthday and 2 weeks later, he is now sitting up all by himself! All of those "core workouts" with Daddy must really be paying off! Our strong little man is growing up so fast, it's amazing how far advanced he is.....looks like great things are in store for his future!!!! He is loving his sitter, Mrs. Annette....she says he is a perfect angel, smiling and laughing all day long, I just hope she is telling the truth! His first Halloween, we actually stayed home and gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Next year when he knows what "Halloween" actually is, we will definitely be out there! This football season has been so much fun, our Trojans were 2nd in conference and made it to the state playoffs. We are so proud of all the guys and are going to miss seeing them each Friday night when football is over. It's amazing how Cade really does watch the games, and I'm not kidding! He WILL NOT let you sit down, not that we do anyway because we are pacing the sidlines, getting into all of the action, but he has to be held facing out and he has yet to fall asleep during a game! What can I say, he is destined!! Needless to say, Jared LOVES it! He is just certain that he already knows what is going on and that Cade is starting to learn the game. We are in the midst of moving into our "new" house and so excited about all of the room, inside and out, that we are going to have! Things have gone a little slower than expected, but then again, I guess I should have expected it...nothing is ever on time anymore! We are looking forward to the Holidays with our new little family!!!

Interacting with his toys!

I was there just in case, but he didn't need me!

Sweet Face.....watching Daddy's game!!

Love of my Life!

He's reaching for EVERYTHING now!

Cade loves when Aunt G is home!

Cade, it's GAMETIME, where are you!?!?!?!?

He didn't miss a down!

I'm not kidding when I say, he watches the games, the WHOLE thing!.....He's destined!!!

It's so funny to hear him talking to his toys!

"Mom, what are you doing?"

He just squeals at them!

Until he gets bored!!

"If you don't give it to me, I'll just get it myself!"

A LOOOOONG night of football!

Too much fun with his toys.....

All that playing made him sleepy!

My Beautiful Baby

All Tired Out

Love of my Life

"Hi Mom!"

My little Turtle



My Love

Cade rolling over!