Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Run, Cade, RUN!!!
So my little man isn't just walking anymore.....he's outright running!!!! Especially when he's headed somewhere he know's he's not supossed to be, he takes off! It's just hysterical!! He, at 9 months, has found his football (praise the Lord). He actually started playing with it one night when Moma and Daddy were over. He walked over to it, leaned down, picked it up, stood tall and everyone started yelling, "touchdown----run, Cade, RUN!!!!!!" My little quarterback is in the making! J and I watched a Tiger Woods special a couple of weeks ago where they documented his life, starting at birth, basically. They said he first swung a club at 11 months, so we figured we better get the ball in his hand, and FAST! Thus, we did and now he plays with it everyday. What can I say?? He's destined!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Birthdays and Wedding Parties
Last week we celebrated....we are quite the celebrating family! We love birthdays, weddings, wedding name it, we celebrate it! Gret turned 22 on April 7th and we are still counting down the days until Julia's wedding (and the bachelorette weekend, of course!). We love you Aunt Greesha and can't wait for sleepovers and slumber parties this "thsummer!!!"

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Bathing Suits, Boat Rides and Lime Slushies....
My baby is walking....yes, 8 months and walking. He took his first few steps a couple of weeks ago, but is now getting around quite well, practically running and is SO proud of himself! As a mom, you want to think your baby is brilliant and is advanced beyond their age, yet at the same time, I'm thinking, "you were just lying in my arms, totally helpless and completely dependent upon me. Where did time go?" I guess as they grow, you just have to accept that they will not stay little forever, but you must always enjoy every second and soak in each breath they take. As my baby is now sleeping soundly beside me, I just stare at him and wonder how one can love something so much, so fast. It's completely indescribable, yet so fulfilling. I can't wait to see how me surprises me tomorrow.....

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