1. Cade just turned 4 months, did I say that right????? 4 MONTHS???
2. Basketball just started.....the longest sport of the year.
3. That means football is over, sad, very sad face. But we had an awesome year, 2nd in conference, GO TROJANS!!!!
4. Jared and I have been living under different roofs as we are FINALLY putting the finishing touches on our house! He's staying at the house, taking care of the boys. Cade and I are at Mom and Dad's until we can find where all of our stuff is!!!
So there you have it.........CRAZY! Cade is just so beautiful, he is more so each day. Daddy's Trojans made it to the playoffs and finished up an awesome year, we hate to see it come to a close. Work is going well, finally, with the economy straightening back out, numbers are looking back UP, wahoo!! The boys are settling in nicely to their new surroundings and L-O-V-I-N-G their new zoo of a backyard!! Boots sees different wildilfe to chase every day. Once we are settled, I will get all of my pictures straight.....I have to snap a shot every few minutes to catch each phase of Cade's life, he's just growing too quickly.......Happy Thanksgiving!

Daddy's State Play-offs! Go TROJANS!

Cheering for my Dad!