Eight months ago, today, our precious Cade was brought into this world. Since then, he has brought a smile to our faces each day and has made us realize how blessed we truly are. Before we came home from the hospital (2 days) he was picking up his little head. He then learned to cry, eat and sleep. His little eyes wondered around the room, sometimes getting a little crossed up, yet, nonetheless, he was
very aware. A few months later, he was rolling over, smiling and laughing, taking us all by surprise at how quickly he had learned. Then came the "real" food, learning to sit up and playing with his toys. Now, with three teeth on the way, we are watching him crawl, pull up on everything he can reach, throw each
and everything he can get his little hands on, and recently, standing on his own and wanting oh so badly to walk. As a mother, I guess you like to think your child is so smart by his rapid development, however, at the same time, you just want to sit him back down and tell him he's just too little to be walking just yet. Each day that he awakes with that big beautiful smile on his face, and rolls into our arms to be held and loved, we love him more and more
and more and more......................