Friday, December 5, 2008


Yes, it's true, I'm going to be a MOM!!! WAHOO!!!! I had my first official Dr.'s vist Monday, December 1st, and what a way to begin the month.....I was already 7 1/2 weeks!! We even heard a HEARTBEAT!!!!! It's so amazing and what's even more is to learn what is going on each and everyday as my little one develops inside of me! My mom bought us an amazing book, in which "DR. J" as I now call him, is reading to me every night. It details each day how our baby is growing and developing into a beautiful little boy/girl??? Which will it be?!?! We have to find out, as of course, I will HAVE to have everything ready and awaiting when its' time for them to arrive! Stay tuned and we will keep you informed on our first and most amazing Journey to Parenthood!!!!!!!


Lee Wilkes said...

YEA!!!!! I am so happy for the two of you. My mom told me last night and I was going to email you tonight. She said your mom was SO excited and had even talked to Lewis about it. I hope you enjoy every minute of it! This means that my #3 and your #1 will be about the same age!!!! How fun!

Louise said...

Congrats on becoming a mom this year! Your life changes completely the day that little baby is placed in your arms. I can't imagine not having our beautiful son here with us. Being a Mom is just the best!